Deal name | Type | Buyers | Targets | Sellers | Financers | LT | Deal value | Announced |
Holland Capital acquires Gullimex | Acquisition | Holland Capital | Gullimex | Gullimex shareholders | - | € 5 - 25 M | 10-03-2025 | |
Claro Carwash acquires Starwash | Acquisition | Claro Carwash | Starwash | Starwash shareholders | Torqx Capital Partners | Undisclosed | 13-02-2025 | |
House of Covebo acquires Pro Industry | Acquisition | House of Covebo | Pro Industry | Avedon Capital Partners | Bain Capital | € 100 - 250 M | 28-01-2025 | |
Dékuple acquires majority stake in Selmore and DotControl | Acquisition | Dékuple | DotControl, Selmore | DotControl, SelMore shareholders | - | Undisclosed | 09-01-2025 | |
British Engineering Services Group acquires ECH Group | Acquisition | British Engineering Services Group | ECH Groep | J.R. Beheer B.V. en De Visser’s Holding B.V. | - | Undisclosed | 08-01-2025 | |
Happy Horizon acquires Iconic Studios | Acquisition | Happy Horizon | Iconic Studios | Iconic Studios shareholders | - | Undisclosed | 17-10-2024 | |
Warner Music Group acquires Cloud 9 Recordings | Acquisition | Warner Music Group | Cloud 9 Recordings | Cloud 9 Recordings shareholders | - | Undisclosed | 10-10-2024 | |
Standard Investment and First Dutch acquire Verwater Group | Acquisition | First Dutch, Standard Investment | Verwater Group | CVC Capital Partners | - | Undisclosed | 08-10-2024 | |
Kartesia acquires Lumiforte from Horticoop | Acquisition | Kartesia | Lumiforte | Horticoop | - | Undisclosed | 25-09-2024 | |
Schneider Electric acquires majority stake in Planon | Acquisition | Schneider Electric | Planon | Planon shareholders | - | € 500 - 1000 M | 31-07-2024 | |
M80 Capital acquires a stake in Rigolo Comme La Vie | Participation | M80 Partners | Rigolo Comme La Vie | ÏDKids | - | Undisclosed | 26-07-2024 | |
Optio Group acquires majority stake in Den Hartigh Beheer & Exploitatie | Acquisition | Optio Group | Den Hartigh Beheer & Exploitatie | Den Hartigh Beheer & Exploitatie shareholders | - | € 5 - 25 M | 24-07-2024 | |
KD Pharma Group acquires the MEG-3 fish oil business from DSM-Firmenich | Acquisition | KD Pharma Group | MEG-3 business of Dsm-Firmenich | DSM-Firmenich | - | € 500 - 1000 M | 18-07-2024 | |
Intersaction acquires Micro Machining Group from Standard Investment | Acquisition | Intersaction | Micro Machining Group | Standard Investment | - | Undisclosed | 26-06-2024 | |
Abenex acquires Only | Acquisition | ABÉNEX Capital | Only Creative Entrepreneurs | Only Creative Entrepeneurs shareholders | - | € 50 - 100 M | 04-06-2024 | |
Guidion acquires Medway | Acquisition | Guidion | Medway | Medway shareholders | - | Undisclosed | 30-05-2024 | |
Equipe Zorgbedrijven has acquired Orthoparc Group | Acquisition | Equipe Zorgbedrijven | Orthoparc | Sandstep | - | € 9 M | 03-05-2024 | |
MegaGroup Trade Holding acquires Anchor Pumps | Acquisition | MegaGroup | Anchor Pumps | Anchor Pumps shareholders | - | Undisclosed | 03-04-2024 | |
St. Paul acquires Royal ERU | Acquisition | St. Paul Group | Royal ERU | Royal ERU Shareholders | - | Undisclosed | 29-03-2024 | |
CNC participates in Veme Specials, Verbruggen Paddestoelen and Verbruggen Substraat | Participation | CNC Grondstoffen | Verbruggen Paddestoelen, Verbruggen Substraat, Veme Specials | J&W Verbruggen Onroerend Goed, Verbruggen Holding, Veme | - | € 5 - 25 M | 26-03-2024 | |
Equipe Zorgbedrijven acquires Orthoparc from Sandstep Healthcare | Acquisition | Equipe Zorgbedrijven | Orthoparc | Sandstep Healthcare, Orthoparc Rozendaal & Orthoparc Flevoland | - | Undisclosed | 04-03-2024 | |
HC Partners acquires AQ Group | Acquisition | HC Partners | AQ Group | AQ Group shareholders | Aegon Asset Management, ING | € 5 - 25 M | 13-02-2024 | |
Torqx Capital Partners acquires XXL Muiden | Acquisition | Torqx Capital Partners | XXL Muiden | XXL Muiden shareholders | - | < € 5 M | 02-02-2024 | |
United Playgrounds acquires Fitzroy | Acquisition | United Playgrounds | Fitzroy | Fitzroy shareholders | Standard Investment | € 5 - 25 M | 01-02-2024 | |
Dawn Foods acquires Royal Steensma | Acquisition | Dawn Foods | Royal Steensma | Royal Steensma shareholders | - | Undisclosed | 31-01-2024 | |
EC Electronics acquires Liad Electronics | Acquisition | EC Electronics Group | Liad Electronics | Liad Electronics shareholders | Rockpool | Undisclosed | 29-01-2024 | |
Rions Riooltechniek acquires PreZero Riool Services from PreZero Nederland | Acquisition | Rions Riooltechniek | PreZero Riool Services | PreZero Netherlands | - | Undisclosed | 01-01-2024 | |
Menken Orlando acquires Choco Support from Blendwell | Acquisition | Menken Orlando | Choco Support | Blendwell Food Group, Gimv | - | € 25 - 50 M | 21-12-2023 | |
SGCN acquires SAAp Farma | Acquisition | SGCN Beheer B.V. | SAAp Farma B.V. | Shareholders Saap Farma B.V. | Rabobank | € 5 - 25 M | 19-12-2023 | |
Only Creative Entrepeneurs acquires Leene Communicatie and VormVijf Ontwerpteam | Acquisition | Only Creative Entrepreneurs | VormVijf Ontwerpteam B.V., Leene Communicatie B.V. | VormVijf Ontwerpteam shareholders, Leene Communicatiegroep B.V. | - | € 5 - 25 M | 14-12-2023 |
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