
Deal nameTypeBuyersTargetsSellersFinancersLTDeal valueAnnounced
Achmea and Lifetri merge pension and life portfoliosMergerLifetri Groep, Sixth Street Partners, AchmeaAchmea Pension & Life Insurance--
€ 3.50 B28-11-2024
Achmea Investment Management acquires Blue Sky Group Asset ManagementAcquisitionAchmeaBlue Sky Group Asset Management, Blue Sky Group Fund ManagementBlue Sky Group-
€ 25 - 50 M25-07-2024
Achmea acquires Tiptrack from Algemene Werkgeversvereniging NederlandAcquisitionAchmeaTiptrackAlgemene Werkgeversvereniging Nederland-
< € 5 M04-07-2022
Achmea acquires ABN AMRO Pensioeninstelling from ABN AMROAcquisitionAchmeaABN AMRO PensioeninstellingABN AMRO-
€ 50 - 100 M03-05-2022
Achmea and PGB acquire InAdmin RiskCoAcquisitionAchmea, PGBInAdmin RiskCoInAdmin RiskCo shareholders-
€ 5 - 25 M17-07-2020
Achmea invests in RoamlerParticipationAchmeaRoamlerRoamler shareholders-
€ 5 M19-03-2020
De Persgroep acquires Independer.nl from AchmeaAcquisitionDe PersgroepIndepender.nlAchmea-
€ 100 - 250 M24-10-2018
Zorg van de Zaak acquires Winnock from AchmeaAcquisitionZorg van de ZaakWinnockAchmea-
€ 5 - 25 M08-03-2017
Kempen acquires private banking activities of StaalbankiersAcquisitionVan Lanschot KempenStaalbankiersAchmea-
€ 16 M09-08-2016
Fitland acquires Achmea Health Center from AchmeaAcquisitionFitlandAchmea Health CenterAchmea-
€ 5 - 25 M26-06-2014
MC Groep acquires Slotervaart HospitalAcquisitionMC GroepSlotervaart HospitalSlotervaart Hospital shareholdersING, Achmea
€ 5 - 25 M02-01-2014
CBL Corporation Ltd acquires Achmea Insurance Ireland Limited from ​AchmeaAcquisitionCBL Corporation LtdAchmea Insurance Ireland LimitedAchmea-
€ 5 - 25 M25-11-2013
Friesland Bank verkoopt 100% aandelen in FBA Holding aan AchmeaAcquisitionAchmeaFBA Holding B.V.Friesland Bank-
€ 5 - 25 M31-12-2012
Achmea koopt overheidsverzekeraar OVOAcquisitionAchmeaOnderlinge Verzekeringen OverheidLeden Onderlinge Verzekeringen Overheid-
€ 5 - 25 M07-10-2012
Zorg van de Zaak acquires Achmea Vitale from AchmeaAcquisitionZorg van de ZaakAchmea VitaleAchmea-
€ 5 - 25 M16-01-2012
Zorg van de Zaak Netwerk koopt Achmea Vitale van AchmeaAcquisitionZorg van de ZaakAchmea VitaleAchmea-
€ 5 - 25 M16-01-2012
Achmea acquires Independer.nl from NPM Capital, Paerel and ManagementAcquisitionAchmeaIndepender.nlNPM Capital, Paerel Leven, Independer.nl Management-
€ 5 - 25 M19-12-2011
Achmea Zorgparticipaties invests in Embedded Fitness HoldingInvestmentAchmea Zorgparticipaties, AchmeaEmbedded Fitness Holding--
Achmea Zorgparticipaties invests in ZorgmatchInvestmentAchmea Zorgparticipaties, AchmeaZorgmatch--
Achmea Zorgparticipaties invests in OntroerendgoedInvestmentAchmea, Achmea ZorgparticipatiesOntroerendgoed--
Achmea Zorgparticipaties invests in I-Cane Social TechnologieInvestmentAchmea, Achmea Zorgparticipatiesi-Cane social technologie--
Achmea Zorgparticipaties invests in VecozoInvestmentAchmea Zorgparticipaties, AchmeaVecozo--
Achmea Zorgparticipaties invests in LaevoInvestmentAchmea, Achmea ZorgparticipatiesLaevo Group--
Achmea acquires stake in Habidrome from Habidrome ShareholdersParticipationAchmeaHabidromeHabidrome Shareholders-
< € 5 M01-07-2007
Plain Vanilla Investments N.V. acquires Argonaut Advies from AchmeaAcquisitionPlain Vanilla InvestmentsArgonaut AdviesAchmea-
€ 5 - 25 M01-12-2005
Dreumel Depiro acquires Argonaut Bemiddeling from AchmeaAcquisitionDreumel DepiroArgonaut BemiddelingAchmea-
< € 5 M01-08-2005

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