Argos Wityu
Year founded
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Total deal value
Average deal value
Company industry
- Private Equity
M&A expertise
- Private Equity Management
Industry expertise
- All Industry expertises
Argos Wityu, founded in 1989, is an independent investment company that supports the management of medium-sized enterprises through six offices spread across Western Europe. Argos Wityu invests between €25 and €100 million per transaction, taking majority stakes in companies with revenues ranging from €20 to €600 million. They do not have a sector focus. Their investment strategy is oriented towards creating value through transformation and growth rather than financial leverage, and by providing solutions for complex situations (e.g., MBI, spin-off/carve-out, privatization).
Investments in the Benelux market include Lineas (rail transport, privatization), Gantrex (rail systems, MBO - Management Buyout), and Schenk Tanktransport (road transport of complex liquids and gases, MBO - Management Buyout).
Investment focus: Transaction size between €25-250 million
Investment terms: 2 to 8 years
Average equity ticket: €25-100 million