Deka Immobilien

Deal nameTypeBuyersTargetsSellersFinancersLTDeal valueAnnounced
Deka Immobilien acquires the Sir Albert Hotel in Amsterdam and the Parkhotel in the HagueAcquisitionDeka ImmobilienSir Albert Hotel, ParkhotelSir Albert Hotel shareholders, Parkhotel-
€ 50 - 100 M12-12-2019
DEKA acquires NH Barbizon Palace from NH Hotels SAAcquisitionDeka ImmobilienBarbizon PalaceNH Hotels-
€ 155 M02-01-2018
Deka Immobilien koopt het American HotelAcquisitionDeka ImmobilienAmerican HotelHampshire Hospitality-
€ 50 - 100 M19-03-2012

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