Deal name | Type | Buyers | Targets | Sellers | Financers | LT | Deal value | Announced |
Geostick Holding acquires Van Leeuwen Gevaarsetiketten | Acquisition | Geostick Holding B.V. | Van Leeuwen Gevaarsetiketten B.V. | Leonium Holding B.V. | - | < € 5 M | 04-04-2024 | |
Toyota Material Handling Nederland acquires Ages | Acquisition | Toyota Material Handling | Ages | Ages shareholders | - | € 5 - 25 M | 31-01-2023 | |
Main Capital Partners acquires a majority stake inWoodWing Software | Acquisition | Main Capital | Woodwing | Woodwing Software shareholders | - | € 30 M | 11-03-2020 | |
Eurofins Scientific acquires Salux healthcare from Salux healthcare shareholders | Acquisition | Eurofins Scientific | Salux Healthcare | Salux Healthcare shareholders | - | € 5 - 25 M | 03-05-2019 | |
Sun European Partners acquires Afriflora from KKR | Acquisition | Sun European Partners | Afriflora | KKR & Co. | - | € 250 - 500 M | 20-12-2017 | |
PCI Nederland acquires CB Groep | Acquisition | PCI | CB Groep | CB Groep Shareholders | - | € 5 - 25 M | 10-02-2017 | |
Greenchoice acquires KiesZon | Acquisition | Greenchoice | KiesZon | KiesZon's Shareholders | - | € 5 - 25 M | 22-12-2016 | |
NCOI koopt Vergouwen Overduin | Acquisition | NCOI | Vergouwen Overduin | Vergouwen Overduin shareholders | - | € 5 - 25 M | 23-10-2012 |
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