Deal name | Type | Buyers | Targets | Sellers | Financers | LT | Deal value | Announced |
NPM invests in Suitsupply | Participation | NPM Capital | Suitsupply | Suitsupply Shareholders, Dutch Mezzanine Fund | - | € 250 - 500 M | 24-11-2017 | |
ABN AMRO Participaties acquires Suitsupply TopCo. BV (Suitsupply) | Participation | Capital A, Fokke de Jong Holding B.V., Dutch Mezzanine Fund | Suitsupply | Suitsupply | - | € 5 - 25 M | 17-11-2015 | |
Founder of Suitsupply acquires remaing stake in Suitsupply from External Investors | Acquisition | Founder of Suitsupply | Suitsupply | External Investors | - | € 5 - 25 M | 14-10-2015 | |
Ramphastos divests SuitSupply | Divestment | - | Ramphastos Investments | Suitsupply | - | € 5 - 25 M | 01-01-2015 |
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